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What is the fruit with the highest amount of vitamins and minerals and also cheap?

Discover the fruit that offers the highest amount of vitamins and minerals at an affordable price. Eating fruits is essential for maintaining a healthy diet, as they provide numerous vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

However, some fruits can be expensive and difficult to find. In this article, we will explore which fruit offers the highest amount of nutrients at an affordable price.

The Most Nutritious and Affordable Fruit: Guava

Guava is a tropical fruit that is widely available and relatively affordable in many parts of the world. This fruit is packed with numerous essential nutrients, making it one of the most nutritious fruits available. Below are some of the vitamins and minerals found in guava:

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Vitamin C: Guava contains four times more vitamin C than oranges, which is essential for boosting the immune system, promoting skin health, and reducing inflammation.

Fiber: Guava is rich in fiber, which aids digestion and promotes bowel regularity.

Potassium: Guava contains more potassium than bananas, which is necessary for maintaining a healthy heart and regulating blood pressure.

Antioxidants: Guava is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Other Benefits of Guava

In addition to the above-mentioned nutrients, guava is also low in calories, making it an excellent fruit for weight loss. It is also rich in folate, which is essential for pregnant women to promote fetal development.


In summary, guava is a nutritious and affordable fruit that is widely available and easy to incorporate into your diet. With its high content of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, guava offers numerous health benefits that can help you maintain optimal health. So, add guava to your grocery list and enjoy its many benefits!

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