For many people, the desire to lose weight is due to social or fashion industry pressures that promote certain unattainable standards of beauty. However, the real reason for wanting to lose weight should be for personal health and well-being.

It is important to realise that weight loss is not the magic answer to all of life’s problems. Many people fall into the trap of thinking that they will be happier or more socially accepted if they can just lose a few pounds. But the truth is that happiness and acceptance come from within, regardless of body shape or size.
Rather than focusing on physical appearance, it is important to consider the health benefits that weight loss can provide. Excess weight can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Losing weight can improve overall health, reduce the risk of disease and improve quality of life.
However, it is important to approach weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way. Extreme dieting or drastic calorie restrictions can have a negative impact on long-term physical and mental health. Instead, long-term healthy habits such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity should be adopted.
Another important factor to consider is emotional well-being. Weight loss will not automatically solve emotional or self-esteem problems. It is important to tackle these problems head on and actively work on them.
At the end of the day, the real reason for wanting to lose weight should be to improve personal health and well-being, not to meet society’s standards of beauty. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and accepting of ourselves, we can work on being strong and healthy from the inside out.
So I invite you to look inside yourself and search for that answer you long for. Do I want to lose weight or do I want to maintain my ideal weight forever? What motivates you more? Leave me a comment.